Tag: University of California

University Study Finds the Presence of Diversity Programs May Serve to Deflect Actual Inequities

Researchers found that companies that have diversity training programs benefit by giving the impression that they are concerned about equal employment opportunity, even when these companies don't necessarily offer better work environments for Blacks and other minorities.

University of California Study Examines Black Employment Data

The report from the Center for Labor Research and Education at the University of California at Berkeley found that while the economy gained 1.9 million jobs in 2012, the Black unemployment rate for all age groups actually increased slightly during the year.

Number of Black Applicants to the University of California Is On the Rise

There were 5,951 Black applicants to undergraduate programs at the University of California this year. The number of Blacks applying to the University of California is up nearly 23 percent since 2011.

How Bans on Affirmative Action Impact Black Student College Graduation Rates

A new paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research examines the graduation rates of minority students before and after the ban on race-sensitive admissions at state universities in California.

Black Admits Increase Slightly at the University of California

But the number of Black students admitted to Berkeley and UCLA has declined from a year ago.

U.S. Appeals Court Upholds California Ban on Race-Sensitive University Admissions

An appeal is planned and organizers have vowed to take the fight for campus diversity to the streets.

A Unique Opportunity for HBCU Business Students

HBCU students will spend two weeks in two consecutive summers at a business school in California.

A Surge of Black Applicants at the University of California

The 5,692 Black applicants represent a 17.5 percent increase from a year ago.

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