After Soap Opera at Oxford, Derek Walcott Lands on His Feet at the University of Alberta

Two weeks ago we reported that Nobel Laureate Derek Walcott withdrew his name from consideration for election as Professor of Poetry at Oxford University. Walcott made the decision after 100 scholars at Oxford received photocopies of pages of a book which included details of sexual harassment claims that had been made against Walcott when he was a visiting professor at Harvard University in 1982 and in 1996 when he was teaching at Boston University.

Ruth Padel, the great-granddaughter of Charles Darwin, was later elected to the position of Professor of Poetry. But nine days after her election Padel resigned the position after it was revealed that she had tipped off journalists about Walcott’s past.

Now Walcott has accepted a three-year appointment as Distinguished Scholar in Residence at the University of Alberta in Edmonton.