Top Universities Report Good Results in Recruiting Black Students

Several of the nation’s leading colleges and universities have reported impressive successes in their efforts to increase racial diversity in their entering classes. Here is a sampling of statistics on the number and percentage of blacks among students accepted at some of our most prestigious institutions of higher education.

•  Blacks were 9.6 percent of the 2,150 students admitted to Dartmouth this spring. This is equal to the black percentage of accepted students in 2005.
•  At Harvard University, blacks were 10.5 percent of all students admitted. This equaled last year’s record high percentage.
•  At Johns Hopkins University, blacks were 9 percent of the 3,232 students offered admission. In 2005 blacks were 8.8 percent of all students accepted for admission, but a low black student yield resulted in a freshman class that was 6.3 percent black.