There Are No Black Colleges or Universities Among the 1,000 Highest-Rated University Websites

The Cybermetrics Lab, a research group based in Spain, has rated nearly 15,000 university websites throughout the world. The Cybermetrics Lab publishes a list of the 4,000 top university websites. The websites are ranked on a number of different criteria including the number of web pages at the site, the number of links to the university’s website from other Internet sites, and the scholarly content available online through the university’s website.

Of the 4,000 highest-rated university websites in the world, 35 belong to black colleges and universities. Therefore, given that nearly 15,000 college and university websites were examined by the Cybermetrics Lab, the fact that 35 black colleges rank in the top 27 percent of all university websites is good news. The bad news is that none of the black colleges or universities rank among the top 1,000 websites worldwide.

The highest-rated website at a historically black college or university belongs to Howard University. Yet Howard is rated in 1,066th position in the world rankings. Howard is ranked just ahead of the websites for the Nanhua University of Taiwan and the University of Bordeaux in France.