University Unveils New Digital Archive on the Civil Rights Movement in Greensboro, North Carolina

The University of North Carolina at Greensboro has launched an extensive online database of documents, photographs, and oral histories related to the civil rights struggle in the city. Greensboro was the site of the first lunch counter sit-in during the winter of 1960. Many other significant events of the civil rights movement also occurred in or near the city.

The online digital archive includes materials from collections housed at Guilford College, Greensboro College, Duke University, the Greensboro Historical Museum, as well as the archives and manuscript division of the University of North Carolina Greensboro Library.

The online archive is fully searchable by keyword, subject matter, repository, or specific collection. Readers who would like to browse the Civil Rights Greensboro archive can do so by clicking here. Also of interest at the University of North Carolina Greensboro library site is the The Digital Library on American Slavery.