Ward Connerly Names His New Targets

Fresh off his win banning affirmative action in university admissions in the state of Michigan, African-American businessman Ward Connerly has targeted nine other states where he may pursue similar ballot initiatives in 2008.

The nine states are: Arizona, Colorado, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. But this project is largely show. Unlike Michigan and California where Connerly has achieved success before, there are very few college-bound blacks in most of these states. Also, the state universities in these nine states are not highly selective as is the case in Michigan and California. Therefore, a ban on race-sensitive admissions in these nine states will have little impact on black educational opportunities.

In the view of JBHE, Connerly is simply a self-serving mean man bent on advancing his ambitions on the backs of enough antiblack voters to harm his own people.