At the Law Schools at Historically Black Universities, Black Women Are Capturing a Large and Growing Share of Total Enrollments

In last week’s edition, we reported on JBHE’s research showing that over the past six years black women have increased their share of African-American enrollments at the nation’s 50 highest-ranked law schools. This emerging dominance of black women in the legal profession is also taking place at the nation’s six historically black law schools. Women make up a majority of the law students at each of these six schools. At all six of these schools combined, black women make up 63.5 percent of the African-American enrollments. At North Carolina Central University in Durham, black women make up 69.4 percent of the African-American enrollments. 

Black women are increasing their share of places at the black law schools at a rate greater than at law schools as a whole. In 2000, 58.8 percent of all black students at these law schools were women.